Acupuncture is just one of the many aspects that embodies Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Other options include herbs, moxa, cupping, gua sha, bleeding techniques as well as nutritional and lifestyle changes. Click on the links below to learn more about each of the different modalities we offer at Acupuncture Mama.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete system of medicine with principles that are based on the same basic physiology as Western Medicine.
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to safely and effectively treat a large number of medical conditions and is often a necessary adjunct to acupuncture treatments.
A variety of methods are used to apply cups to the skin which create a gentle suction over the affected area. Where a massage applies pressure to the muscle, cupping is the inverse but is often reported to feel similar.
Moxibustion (Moxa) is a form of therapy in TCM in which we burn a preparation of dried mugwort (Artimesia Argyi) and position it a few inches above the skin over specific points or areas of the body.
While lying comfortably it is common for people to fall asleep during treatments. Soothing music and warming equipment set the stage for you to clear your mind and shed the overcoat of stressors you carry every day. Take this opportunity and allow this 3,000-year-old art form to access your higher healing self.