3 Health Problems Treated by Acupuncture
Known for their wisdom, ancient Chinese were way ahead of their time. Chinese elders had not only predicted health problems that would plague humanity in the coming years, but also came up with a form of alternative medicine, acupuncture, that promises to treat a number of health conditions. Ancient Chinese believed that any blockages in the path through which energy flows in the body can result in critical illnesses. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into these points to manipulate the energy flow. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a mental or physical illness for quite some time now, we, at Acupuncture Mama can help. As one of the most renowned acupuncture therapists in Sonoma County, we have taken upon ourselves to help improve the quality of life of our community members. We take a look at some of the many health issues that acupuncture can treat.
1. Chronic pain
According to a study, around 1.5 billion people in the world suffer from chronic pain. Acupuncture is known to treat pain impacting different body parts such as the lower back, neck, and knee. Acupuncturists are trained to insert needles into specific points in a way that relaxes muscles, and mobilizes pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins and cortisol, which help in providing instant relief to the person.
2. Digestive disorders
Over the years, acupuncture has shown promise in treating a number of digestive disorders, such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, and bacterial infections. Acupuncture helps nourish critical organs and reduces inflammation. Many patients suffering from pelvic disorders can also benefit from acupuncture. To help patients suffering from these problems, the acupuncturist inserts needles into areas that support the pelvic muscles.
3. Allergies
Allergic people are hypersensitive to different allergens such as pollen or dander. When exposed to allergens, their immune system goes into hyperdrive mode often resulting in allergy attacks. To help their allergic patients, acupuncturists insert needles into critical points on the face, hands, and legs in a way that relaxes the immune system and clears up congestions.
Why Consult Acupuncture Mama?
The list of health conditions that acupuncture can treat is a long one. The above-mentioned are just some of the health issues that feature in the list. At Acupuncture Mama, we use acupuncture to help align our patients’ outer self with their inner self. We believe that a good quality of life is the basic right of every person. As a leading acupuncture therapist in Sonoma County, we are on a mission to help our patients claim this right. To learn more about us, call at (707) 303-7200. If you want to hear from us, fill out our contact form.