
December 21, 2015

Happy, Healthy New Year: Nutritional Counseling and Acupuncture in Santa Rosa and Sonoma County

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s hoping that 2016 will bring you much joy. A large part of how 2016 turns out depends on you. We all recognize that, which is why everyone knows what “New Year’s Resolutions” means. Resolutions are tricky. Sometimes people resolve to lose 10 pounds without even knowing if that’s a healthy […]

Top 10 Ways to Boost Immunity During Cold and Flu Season

Top 10 Ways To Boost Your Immunity Eat in tune with the season- Learn about the nature of each season and eat in harmony with it. Winter is a time of contraction and slowing down. It’s a time of moving inward, sleeping and resting more, eating more warming and nourishing foods to support your immune […]

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