Acupuncture for Pain in Sonoma County
Acupuncture has continued to gain acceptance in Western medical practices, and for a good reason. It is a proven means of diminishing pain through the realignment of bodily energies. There is no reason to believe that a practice such as acupuncture that originated from an ancient culture isn’t valid. Many Western practitioners are quickly finding they’ve undervalued their Eastern forefathers. Patients choose acupuncture for pain in Sonoma County because it works for them. It also helps them overcome debilitating issues that have plagued them for a long time.
Areas Where Acupuncture Can Help
Acupuncture treatment can complement other areas of medicine, including:
- Fertility
- IVF transfer day
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual disorders, including PMS and dysmenorrhea
- Hormonal imbalances like menopause
- Insomnia, anxiety and stress
- Headaches and migraines
Don’t Give Up on Finding a Solution for Your Pain
Patients suffering from some medical conditions may find it difficult to relieve their pain or overcome various symptoms. Bell’s palsy is one such condition. One side of the face becomes paralyzed from damage in the facial nerve. This nerve is in control of the muscles comprising one-half of your face, causing one side to droop. Taste, tears and saliva can also be affected by this condition. But it’s possible to cure Bell’s Palsy with acupuncture treatment in as little as two sessions.
Traditional Western doctors may have told you that your pain or health issue cannot be cured. However, acupuncture may be the solution you are looking for. Your road to relief may be something as simple as one or two acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture for Pain in Sonoma County
Annette Romios is the founder of Acupuncture Mama, and a true convert to acupuncture’s veracity. Annette has suffered from Bell’s palsy herself and directly benefited from acupuncture treatment. She was cured within a few sessions. You can find acupuncture for pain in Sonoma County by calling (707) 303-7200.