How Do I Know If My Acupuncture Treatment Is Working?
The first thing that those new to acupuncture treatment need to know is that acupuncture works best as a continuous, cumulative process. You will likely notice some positive changes after your first treatment, but if you keep at it for a little while you will really start to see the benefits of your commitment.
At Acupuncture Mama, we want you to know that our treatments are working. Following is a list of common identifiers that will help you to realize that that your acupuncture is working:
Increased sleep quality:
Acupuncture treatment has become popular among those with insomnia due to its ability to induce a deeper and more fulfilling sleep that leads to a better, more rested feeling in the morning.
Heightened awareness:
Another great benefit of acupuncture is a heightened awareness of your many senses; you may taste food more intensely, hear minor environmental noises that you never used to pick up, on or feel the fabric of your clothing on your skin more intensely.
Heightened emotions:
Investing in acupuncture is great for those that are experiencing emotional stress, especially if this stress is causing negative physical symptoms. Acupuncture can help you deal with emotions under the surface of your psyche that you have failed to face and lead to an improvement in your emotional wellbeing.
Decreased stress levels
Acupuncture may not make your stress disappear, but it will definitely even out your mood and make it easier for you to adapt to and deal with stress. If you’re going through a stressful period in your life, acupuncture is a prime way to help your body get prepared to properly deal with it.
Annette Romios of Acupuncture Mama has seen the many benefits of acupuncture treatment firsthand and can attest to its effectiveness in helping your body cope with the factors mentioned above. For more information on acupuncture or to book an appointment with us, give us a call at (707) 303-7200 and we’ll be happy to help you out.