Why Choose Acupuncture Treatment in Santa Rosa?

It’s a growing discipline. This year, thousands of people in Santa Rosa will be trying acupuncture treatment for the first time. The value of acupuncture is slowly being realized within the general population, and within this latest post, our team explains more about the general benefits that acupuncture treatment can bring to your day-to-day life.

  • Improvements in gut health

Gut health is one of the leading causes of visits to the doctor for the general U.S. population. Many are now trying diets such as Paleo and gluten-free options to help soothe their gut problems. But studies have shown that acupuncture could be greatly beneficial in boosting your gut health for the coming years. For example, recent studies have shown that acupuncture treatment can be a leading weight loss solution. This could be the ideal option for those that have been struggling to find a weight loss program that works for their health requirements.

  • Reduced stress

We’re at a high-stress level within our society. We’re constantly looking at our mobile phones to see the latest updates on social media, and emails from our colleagues. And this can keep us at a higher state of general awareness, which causes stress over time. The studies show that acupuncture can help to relieve some of this stress and boost our overall mental health. A Georgetown University study showed that stress hormones are lower in subjects that undergo electroacupuncture therapy. Take a trip to your local acupuncture treatment facility in Santa Rosa to learn more about the stress-relieving benefits of acupuncture.

  • Limited migraine frequency

Migraine sufferers experience extreme pain and sensitivity to light, among their symptoms. Studies by the American Migraine Council found that the frequency of headaches dropped 50% in migraine sufferers, and the effect lasted more than 6 months after the most recent acupuncture treatment. The studies recommend at least 6 treatments in order to maximize the benefits of the acupuncture

Our trusted team at Acupuncture Mama can help you achieve lasting results from your acupuncture treatment. To explore more about your treatment options in Santa Rosa, contact our team at Acupuncture Mama today.


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