
July 15, 2019

Can Acupuncture Help with Insomnia and Sleep Apnea?

Put sleep disorders to bed, for good! Yes, you heard it right. You can now put sleep problems to an end with acupuncture. Struggling to fall asleep at night can be frustrating, and often leads to health problems. When you think about the ways to get more sleep, you often resort to sleeping pills. More […]

Effects of Acupuncture Combined with Moxibustion for Nerve-root Type Cervical Spondylosis

Also known as spinal osteoarthritis, spondylosis is a common degenerative health condition that could worsen with age. Although it can be quite painful in some cases, it is usually not serious. Spondylosis can affect any part of the spine – cervical or neck, lumbar or low back, thoracic or upper or mid back, or lumbosacral […]

Here’s Why Acupuncture Makes Sense For Pre And Post-Surgery

There are a number of reasons why people turn to acupuncture, although the biggest one is probably the fact that, like all traditional Chinese Medicine, it takes a holistic approach to health and recognizes that any illness signifies a body out of balance. The physical, mental, and emotional components of life are treated equally, and […]

Lead a Healthy Life Using Chinese Herbal Medicine in Santa Rosa

Chinese herbal medicine, often used with other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been utilized for thousands of years to help countless people live healthier lives. Here at Acupuncture Mama, we have dedicated ourselves to helping those in our community achieve balance and health using extensive knowledge regarding TCM.

How to Choose Your Acupuncture Clinic in Santa Rosa

A Mainstream Sensation Santa Rosa, California is a beautiful, idyllic community offering some of the most cutting edge medical and health treatments available.

Top 10 Ways to Boost Immunity During Cold and Flu Season

Top 10 Ways To Boost Your Immunity Eat in tune with the season- Learn about the nature of each season and eat in harmony with it. Winter is a time of contraction and slowing down. It’s a time of moving inward, sleeping and resting more, eating more warming and nourishing foods to support your immune […]

Find the Best Acupuncture in Santa Rosa/Sonoma County

Where your health is concerned, you want to do a little extra research before you choose a practitioner. And some people are even more uncomfortable scheduling a first visit with an acupuncturist than with other health professionals because acupuncture is unfamiliar to them. That’s perfectly understandable, but if you find a caring and qualified acupuncturist, […]

Why Many Are Turning to Their Acupuncture Clinic for Stress Relief

It’s a problem many of us experience in our day-to-day lives. Stress is a condition that is all around us at work and often at home too. It’s a condition that many simply accept and one that can have a lasting impact on our health and the enjoyment and fulfillment we feel each day. Fortunately, […]

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